The steering wheel on my car feels like it has always been there
So do the pedals
I push on the gas pedal
I speed past a pickup truck
It is navy blue
It is emitting lots of fumes
I blow cigarette smoke out the window
I turn left down a side street
Kids are playing hockey in the street
I push on the gas pedal and attempt to run them over
They avoid me
I turn back onto a main road
I let cars pass me
I feel like an animal running at the back of the herd
I feel like a machine
But not like a cog in the machine
I am a machine and I am fulls of cogs that i can't control
Saturday, June 27, 2009
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1cog Listen to the pronunciation of 1cog
Middle English cogge, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish kugge cog
13th century
1 : a tooth on the rim of a wheel or gear 2 : a subordinate but integral person or part
sometimes i read the dictionary and i go "huh"
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